Some of my early works done mostly in Middle School of Art. All of this is made with traditional media such as Acrylic paint, pencils and stuff. I haven't done anything like this lately.

Most recent one. Tryptic which contains 3 100x70cm formats of paper. Done using all sorts of stuff including Ink, acrylic paint, stick tape, watercolors, old bookmarks and some tea as well ;]

100cm wide panoram from Dobrzany in Poland. Watercolor and ink on paper.

Another sight from Dobrzany. Watercolor and Ink on paper 50x70cm.

A little experiment with stick tape and acrylic paint on red paper 100x70cm.

Another one with stick tape and acrylic paint, also 100x70cm.

My graduation work for "Painting and drawning" in Middle School of Art. Oil on canvas 100x60cm.

This one is also my graduation work for "Painting and drawning" in Middle Shool of Art but this time its a still life done with pencils as You can surely guess. 100x70cm.

Portrait of a friend, done with Acrylic paint on red paper 100x70cm.

Some sketches.

Watercolors and ink on paper 100x70, inspired by some speed painters of digital art.

Acrylic on paper 100cm wide, also inspired by digital painting masterpieces.

Coal ond ink, 50x70cm this time.

Ink 100x70cm. Its actualy from the place I grew up. Many awesome abandoned places out there ;]

Acrylic on wooden plate 100x70cm. For my Mom, she likes that kind of stuff.

50x70cm Acrylic on canvas. I dont know what it was suppose to mean, must have been high at the time ;P

I was definetly high on this one ;] It's me at the top with dread locks, and some friend from school. Acrylic on wooden plate 100x70cm.

Still life, acrylic on paper. Booooring.

Commercial poster for some topic in Middle Shool of Art. White paper 100x70cm, acrylic paint, ink and some pastels.

Pastels for background and acrylic paint for typography. 100x70cm paper. This one was pain in the ass to do ;P

100x70cm thick paper, acrylic paint, coppied from a photoshop concept (at the time i didnt know that filters in photoshop are a bad thing ;P )